Childhood Development Center

A High-Quality Educational and Applied Behavior Analysis Program for Children with Autism and Similar Intellectual Disabilities

Our Mission

To enable children to reach their maximum potential by providing high-quality educational and behavioral services in a supportive learning environment.

About the Childhood Development Center

The Childhood Development Center (CDC) is a program focused on providing intensive educational services to youth with autism and related disabilities in Central Florida. The CDC specializes in providing Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) services across a variety of skill domains. The staff-to-student ratio is determined by the needs of the student as well as their funding source. Our instructional staff have received intensive training in teaching academic, social, leisure, and daily living skills. Staff members have also received training in how to successfully manage and reduce the likelihood of problem behaviors by teaching replacement skills for problematic behaviors and incorporating language training including verbal behavior, PECS, or other forms of augmentative communication.

For more information about reporting educator misconduct please follow this link:

Reporting Educator Misconduct


Community Residential Homes

“Home” is More Than a House. Each group home is more than a building; it is truly a “home” for the people who live there. A group home is different from the traditional “institution”, where people are given few personal choices. In a group home, choices are the rule, not the exception. The people served by Attain, Inc. go about their lives in much the same way as most people in the general public, deciding for themselves what to wear, where to go, and which activities and interests to pursue. Members of the staff of each home provide the support necessary to make these choices achievable.

Each home is as unique as the people who live there. Attain, Inc. typically supports 5 to 6 individuals per home. Our group homes are located in quiet neighborhoods in Orange, Seminole and Lake Counties. All of them have one thing in common, however: they provide a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable place that the people we serve can truly call “home”.


Community Adult Day Training

Attain, Inc. provides two Community Adult Day Training locations, one near College Park, FL and one in Mount Dora, FL. As an alternative to traditional sheltered workshop based service, Attain, Inc. has developed an Adult Day Training program that is an integrated community based experience which focuses on participation, increased enjoyment of life, improved social skills, and independence.

Attain’s ADT services stress training in the activities of daily living, self-advocacy, adaptive and social skills that are age and culturally appropriate.

Our consumers have participated in many different, economical activities in Central Florida. The focus of our ADT program has been to increase appropriate socialization, cooperation with staff and peers, and participation in a variety of activities.

Admission to the program typically requires the following:

  1. The applicant has been denied admission, or involuntarily discharged from other adult day training programs,

  2. The applicant requires a Behavior Support Plan to be implemented during adult day training service to address problem behaviors, and

  3. The applicant requires a 1:3 staffing ratio or smaller.


Behavior Analysis Services

Functional Assessment

The functional assessment may include comprehensive record reviews, indirect assessments (i.e., Structured interviews with primary care givers), direct assessments (i.e., direct observation and analysis of the relevant antecedent, behavior, and consequences), and functional analysis (systematic environmental manipulations). The functional assessment also includes related medical assessments to determine if there is a medical condition that may be related to the occurrence of problem behavior

Behavior Support Plan

The Behavior Support Plan is developed based on the results of the consumer’s functional assessment. The Behavior Support Plan includes antecedent manipulations, replacement behaviors (such as social skills, functional communication training, tolerance training, increasing participation in the normal routines of life), consequence based interventions including crisis intervention strategies.

Staff Training

Staff training to support behavior analysis services the following:

  • 20 Hour Behavior Assistant Training,

  • Behavior Assistant Annual Update,

  • Professional Crisis Management Training,

  • and individual behavior support plan training.

See our brochure (2mb)

Who Attain Does Not Support

  • Individuals who abuse drugs.

  • Convicted sex offenders.

  • Convicted felons.

  • Transient or homeless populations.

  • Persons with mental illness.